
BCHCC Committees

Our Chamber provides quality events and seminars through the volunteer efforts of our dedicated members. Our members continually put their talents and resources together to work for the betterment of our chamber and the community of Brazoria County.  The BCHCC Members volunteer and serve on our Chamber Committees. They are the heart of the Brazoria County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. 


The Embajador (Ambassadors) is in charge of the retention of existing BCHCC Members, enlistment of new members and serves as goodwill representatives of the Chamber at a variety of events. The committee also serves as the point of contact for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies.

Business Development (BD) Committee

The committee plans all workshops and informational seminars for its members and the business community at large in Brazoria County. The committee also serves as the organizer of workshops and the Business expo

Spanish Speaking Business Outreach Committee (SSBOC)  

This committee is in charge of the recruitment of Spanish-speaking business leaders, plans informational seminars, and holds the “Mesa Redonda” Latino Round Table in Spanish for the Hispanic business community in Brazoria County. 

Awards Gala Committee 

The committee coordinates all logistics regarding event details, works with sponsors and vendors to plan our Annual Awards Gala, and volunteers at the event. The Gala serves as a space for all members to mingle and honor members who show an outstanding commitment to service.

Latin  Festival Committee

The committee coordinates all logistics regarding event details, works with sponsors, non-profit organizations, and vendors to plan our Latin Festival. The committee serves as the point of contact for ideas and scheduling and volunteers at the event. 

Golf Tournament Committee

The committee coordinates all logistics regarding event details, recruits sponsors, enlists participants and volunteers at the event. All Golf lovers are welcome to ensure this tournament is full of fun and socializing!

BCHCC Young Professionals (YP)

The committee engages entrepreneurs under the age of 40, who are looking to grow their leadership skills and make a positive impact in Brazoria County.

Meeting times vary and are usually held monthly. For more information on joining a committee, please contact Gina Aguirre Adams, President/CEO of the BCHCC, at or call (979)946-4156.